In JavaScript, a class is a blueprint for creating objects with similar properties and methods. It provides a way to define a particular type of object, encapsulating data for the object and methods to operate on that data. Classes were introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) to mimic the class-based inheritance found in other object-oriented programming languages.
Kindly visit my first post about function here .
Happy coding.
- MyClass is the name of the class.
- Constructor is a special method for creating and initializing objects created with a class. It is executed automatically when a new object is created with the new keyword.
- Method1 and method2 are methods of the class, defining behaviour for instances of the class. To create an instance of a class, you use the new keyword:
This creates a new object obj based on the MyClass blueprint, with property1 set to 'value1' and property2 set to 'value2'.
You can then access properties and methods of the object using dot notation:
Classes in JavaScript also support inheritance.
Happy coding.
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